Universal Compatibility
Why dynadock and not some other docking solution? Simple. Our dynadock line not only expands what you can do and enjoy, it also works with any Windows®-based computer, even previously undockable laptops. With the USB dynadock, worries go flying out the window.
One-Cable Convenience
Clear the cables cluttering your desk and make way for enhanced productivity and entertainment. Our line of dynadock products lets you easily connect to a printer, scanner, speakers, keyboard, mouse and additional displayswith one simple USB cable you are instantly connected to everything you use. Youll save serious wear-and-tear on your laptop ports. And when you're ready to go you can disconnect in seconds!
Major Multitasking and Productivity
Pair your laptop with any one of our dynadock models and great things start to happenat home, the dorm or the office. Turn you laptop into a workstation by using a full-size keyboard and mouse to turn your to-dos into done. Add an extra screen to monitor emails or work on extra-wide spreadsheets. Scan and print. Add an external hard drive for extra storage. Youve never been more productive.

Brilliant High-Def Viewing
Make dynadock your connection to the great high-def content your world has to offer, thanks to a built-in HD graphics card. It is your one-way ticket to a bigger, better, high res picture than you would likely otherwise see on your laptop. View Full HD photos and CAD files, update your social network, or get maximum punch from todays graphic-rich websites.
Available in Various Models
Whatever you want to accomplish or enjoy, Dynabook has a dynadock model ready to take center stage. Check out the popular dynadock U3.0. For an even smaller desktop footprint, consider the compact dynadock V3.0. Both now offer high speed USB 3.0 data transfer for smooth HD video capabilities.
Stream videos. Play games.
Take your laptops entertainment potential to the next level. With the dynadock you can stream Full HD content, play games and surf the web on one or two external displays, even on an HD TV!

Available Models

- Super Speed USB 3.0
- 2048 x 1152 resolution on TWO displays
- Full HD Video and 5.1 surround sound
Starting at: $

- dynadock® Technical Support
- For complete technical support including the latest drivers, user manuals and frequently asked questions for all dynadock models, visit our dynadock support website.