Toshiba is a $60 billion global company employing nearly 200,000 in 30 countries around the globe. Yet with our unwavering commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR), we think and act much like a local business-caring for the people, the land and future of the communities where we operate.
Social responsibility is a key underpinning of our management philosophy, advancing decisions that benefit the environment and promote the welfare of our customers, employees and citizens of the world.
In 2004, Toshiba was one of the first companies to join this groundbreaking international agreement, which encourages businesses to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies on human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.
In every corner of the planet, Toshiba Group companies do business with the highest standards of ethical business conduct—to protect the environment, contribute to the local community, and respect international human rights.
Accordingly, we maintain formal Standards of Conduct (SOC) covering all facets of our international business enterprise, notably:
Toshiba Group’s passion for safeguarding the Earth is inherent in our Environmental Vision 2050. Based on the Kyoto Protocol, this program promises to improve our eco-efficiency by a factor of ten over the year 2000 through strict monitoring of our energy usage, manufacturing process improvement and eco-conscious product development.
To ensure we maintain full transparency and accountability in our CSR efforts, Toshiba Group has been compiling a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility Report since 1998.