HDTV Buying Guide
Get behind the tech to find the HDTV that's right for you.
The first high-definition television (HDTV) broadcasts in the United States occurred more than a dozen years ago, and while it has taken some time, the HDTV market has matured. In fact, youll have a hard time finding a television bigger than 20 inches that is not a hi-def set, and today's models cover a broad spectrum of sizes, features, and prices. The result is that shopping for an HDTV can be challenging.
This flat-screen HDTV buying guide will help you find a model that meets your needs and budget. In the first section, youll find descriptions of seven typical HDTV users and selection criteria that will be important to them. Find the description that best matches your needs and youre off and running!
The rest of the guide describes the features, technologies, and specifications that differentiate HDTVs. Youll find discussions of screen size, display technology, video and audio connections, Internet streaming, and moreall the information you need to choose the right HDTV for you. And if you want further advice, check out the Shopping Guides in our Television Research Center.

What kind of user are you?
To narrow your shopping criteria, well describe seven typical HDTV users and list the features that are important to each type.